Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Caroling Must Go On. 12/12/2020

Good Morning,

The wind is really blowing this morning and it is raining. The much forecasted snow hasn't hit my part of the world yet. We will see what happens later today. In the meantime I will write and sip on a hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee. 

Mark 12:30-31 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your soul and with all your mind and strength. 31 You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandments than these two. 

Every year for the last 20 years my wife Rene and I have sponsored Christmas caroling for a home for the elderly. We used to bring the kids from our church youth group to the home on a Tuesday night in December with songs and gifts for the elderly. When we decided that we didn't have enough energy for teenagers, we concentrated on other ministries within our church. It was then that I took the call as an elder for the church and my main ministries now are the Men's Group and the preaching duties on Saturday nights. We wanted to continue caroling for the old folks. Access to the assisted living home is easy. It is right next door to us. So I threw out the idea to the people who attend our church. Rene decided that it was too long of drive from church to just sing a few songs and hand out some gifts. 

That's when it turned into an open house in our home with hot cider, coffee, and hot chocolate for the carolers. Then she mentioned that it was a Saturday night and that we should feed everyone, but keep it simple. That's how it turned into the "Soup Night". As this caught on the crowd of 15 turned into more and one night we had 45 people. Others would bring baked goods, some would bring soup pots filled with their specialty soup. We would make two or three large cauldrons of our own special soup. Whatever was leftover went home with those attending. The fellowship often lasted until midnight. 

This Covid year sent the harsh message that we probably couldn't do this, especially the large indoor gathering. We thought about caroling from outside of the home, ( we had always gone inside) and that was an option. It just didn't seem like it would work.

Then one day last month on our Subdivision Face Book Page a question was raised as to if we as a group could have the kids in the neighborhood make some cards, or do something to brighten Christmas for an elderly residence and we had one in our neighborhood. I responded and explained what we had been doing in the past and that the church would not be coming this year. 

Friends it will take place tonight. Gifts have poured in, song sheets are ready and we will sing for the elderly. They will be inside and we will be outside braving the weather. 

If I see one good thing about covid is that we have gotten to know a few neighbors now. I see them sharing and caring for our "neighborhood family" more than ever before. I am proud to live here. We might not be able to dine together tonight, but we will next year Lord willing. Our friends at church will be praying for the event and will join with our neighbors next year for "Soup Night"

It is a wonderful world after all.


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