Sunday, December 20, 2020

Back To The Basics For Us 12/20/2020

 Good Morning,

I just started to feel the impact of the small fire I made. I call the heat I am receiving this morning an "easy fire". It was east to start because there were coals left over from last night. So it didn't take much for the maple hardwood to take off and start producing some heat. My wife Rene and I stayed up late to watch It's a Wonderful Life. Yet our two dogs didn't care and they let me know when 6AM rolled around. So with a hot cup of Door County Christmas Coffee, I will begin to write. 

Psalm 139:14 I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works. And that my soul knows very well.

During this covid challenge we have been forced to curtail some of our activities for safety's sake and out of respect for others. It's the respect for others that we have always cherished as a core value for our family. I give people their six foot space. We cooperate with the mandate to wear a mask and we don't sidestep the rules by figuring a way out of them. I just performed a funeral service for a man who was full of life the other day, who ten days ago was full of life. He came down with the dreaded corona virus. I watched a family grieve and hurt. So Rene and I will continue to cooperate just in case it saves one family from making a visit to the undertaker. We respect the health of others. 

Now for the rest of my thoughts on back to the basics. Respecting others and putting them first is just loving your neighbor. Part two is my job in our family. We used to go out to eat before the pandemic almost every Saturday night. We still purchase take out and support our local restaurants. We want to do our part to keep them afloat. But I took stock lately  of our eating habits at home. It seemed as if "easy" has crept into our lives. I asked Rene what she missed most during this pandemic and she said " the church fellowships "Pot Luck" dinners. She said that it was always nice to eat a little of what others brought. Both of us just about at the same time said "I wish we had the recipe for Joyce's potato casserole." Joyce was a lady we attended church with many years ago. She made the best potato and corn flake dish that you ever tasted. Joyce has since passed on and we miss her and her husband Paul. They were two you always wanted to see every Sunday. 

My point here is that we allowed this virus to start to impact the way we approached cooking. I own many cook books and haven't used one in a year. We have become stagnant in our approach to the daily life. We lost respect for ourselves and that is just as important as having respect for others. I pulled a couple cook books out and started to go through them looking for some items to make and enjoy. Guess what I found? I believe it was the recipe Joyce used. We will be using it on Christmas day. 

So look in the cupboard, freezer, or refrigerator. Are you paying respect to yourself? I plan on using this cook book just to bring back some memories and to create some new ones. Are you respecting others? Are you respecting yourself?

Food for thought. 


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