Friday, December 18, 2020

The Last Word 12/18/2020

 Good Morning,

A busy day is ahead of me and I look forward to the challenge. My hope is that I can be a blessing to someone today. The mug of Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee sitting next to me is a blessing to me. It is time to write. 

Proverbs 16:24. Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

Last night we placed a video call to our daughter in Florida. We wanted to wish her a happy birthday and chat for awhile. The call was great and we shared some thoughts. memories and some laughs. But as with all good things, the call had to end. She had to go to work today very early and we could see plainly that she was tired and worn out. It has been a busy week for her.

Here's the problem. None of us wanted to end the call. Due to covid we haven't been able to visit by going to Florida nor has our daughter been able to pop up here for a fast visit. She, through no fault of her own even missed funerals for people important to her. So for a few minutes we kept dodging the inevitable and none of us wanted to say goodbye for now or "lets get some sleep". It was the last word we wanted to hear last night.

Friends, none of us are guaranteed anything in life and we never know when the last word will become the final word for one of us. For Christmas, I believe we should give ourselves a gift. If there is someone you need to forgive or have them forgive you, make the call. You might be thinking about it, but haven't gotten the push to do it. Maybe the last word you had with each other was harsh. Make it right. The last word might really be the last word.

In addition make sure to tell those close to you that they are loved and season your words with kindness and love. Tell them if you are proud of them. Let them know how important they are to you. I can't wait until we can safely visit our daughter. There are people that we love who live close to us and socializing just hasn't happened. Make sure the last word you had with them is kind and supportive. You never know when the last word will be the final word.

Give yourself a gift and cherish those meetings, calls and chats.


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