Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Do Good When You Can Proverbs 3:27 12/2/2020

 Good Morning,

Another day was given to us. Let us choose wisely as to how we will use it.. I started this day with a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee and some prayer.

I noticed last week that the Salvation Army bell ringers with there red kettles were out at the grocery store close to our home. I don't know why, but for me hearing those bell ringers in the entryway to the store gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. For me, it signaled the Christmas Season was upon us. I had a sense of peace knowing that even the covid crud was not going to stop these faithful people from raising dollars for a good cause, They feed and assist a lot of people. The two girls spending their evening in front of the kettles were dressed up very nicely and they greeted everyone with a smile. I was fortunate enough to have some extra cash with me so I could partake in the giving and enjoy doing it. It was a true pick me up for my spirit.

God desires that when we see a need we act upon it. He makes that very plain in Proverbs 3:27:28

27. Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in the power of your hands to do so. 28. Do not say to your neighbor , "go and come back. And tomorrow I will give it." When you have it with you.

So if you want to start December out correctly watch for those God puts on your path that you can help. Don't be slack to do what you can. By not helping, you are actually devising a plan of evil on your neighbor. 

Food for thought?


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