Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday Morning Snowflakes. There Is A Message In The Snow 12/6/2020

 Good Morning,

The fire in the hearth feels especially good this morning. The fire in my heart feels even better. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha for myself and it is time to write. 

Matthew 1:20-21 But as Joseph considered these things, and angel of the Lord came to him in a dream and said. "Joseph son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21. She shall bear a son and you shall call His name Jesus for He will save His people from their sins.  

I was outside with our two dogs Gibbs and Leo about 30 minutes ago and could feel the snowflakes falling on to my unprotected head. The flakes turned into a little bit more now but I don't think the snowfall is going to last very long. I see from the window in our den that the roof tops on our neighbor's homes are white. For me it is a beautiful sight to take in. Science tells us that no two snowflakes are alike. I don't own a microscope and would never sit in the cold to study snowflakes anyway so I will take the word of the scientists who have studied and observed the frozen precipitation. But I do know one fact. I love to watch it snow.

Now I want to get to the point of today's ramblings. No two people are alike either. I don't go out and look at the snowflakes and sort them out to get just one size on our property. But yet as humans we still have a tendency to do that with people. What I am trying to say is that we are really not all inclusive with people. We sort people by their differences and decide which ones we will keep close to us and let into our lives. I am not sure if that bad habit will ever change. 

But I am so glad that God doesn't work that way. When God sent Jesus from heaven to Earth born of a woman. He sent Him to die for the sins of all. Yes it is true that some day God will sort us into two categories, those who have believed on the name of Jesus and called upon Him for salvation unto eternity. Then there will be those who haven't professed the name of Jesus as Lord and Savior and rejected His sacrificial gift of love.  In those two categories there will be every race of mankind in the mix. We all have the opportunity to follow Christ. 

So this isn't a message on unity and brotherhood although that makes good fodder for preaching anytime. This is a message aimed at putting some urgency into the churches to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ this Christmas. This is a message to all of us to do the same. There will be two camps some day and one will go to heaven and live with God and the other won't. There is no crossing over once the sentence of hell has been proclaimed. We say we love our neighbor and all people, but do we love them enough to take some time and tell them the truth about the love of Jesus and His message of repenting and salvation? Or do we wait until we meet people we prefer that look like us and act like us.?  The Gospel message is for all and you shouldn't keep it to yourself. Share the reason for Christmas.

God bless,


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