Monday, December 21, 2020

How To Be Satisfied Year Round Part 1 12/21/2020


Good Morning,

My coffee for the today will be Door County Candy Cane. It will assist in getting me more into the winter mood.

 Monday through Thursday we will explore a theme series. I usually do not do this, but the Spirit has led me in that direction after a long night of prayer.

Our Lord Jesus himself tells how each one of us can be fully satisfied and satisfied forever. This is a "musical symphony for the heart and soul."

John 4:14 But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him, will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him, will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.

Let's look at the story. Jesus had put in a long day. The others had gone into town to obtain food. He was too tired and decided to sit at a well. Along came a woman with a checkered past and life. So thus started the conversation between the two. Jesus was not really concerned about a drink of water. (He really probably was thirsty). But He put that aside to discuss matters of the soul, and issues of life. His goal was to save a soul and restore a life.

The water He speaks of is the Holy Spirit poured into our hearts given to those who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

He tells us in this passage that we might drink of all the world may have to offer, the fountains of wealth, possessions, fame, knowledge, or our environment. Yet when our environment, and  possessions are where we would like it to be we are happy.  But if our joy is in these, we cannot by any way be happy for sometimes these change.

But if our source of joy is in our own hearts. The fountain springing up within us, then we are entirely independent of worldly pleasures, circumstances, surroundings or possessions.  We rejoice and are joyful with what we have, not what it "could be".

God bless,
Part two tomorrow.

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