Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Day After Christmas Now What? 12/26/2020

 Good Morning,

Saturday it is and my day is already filled with things to do. I just sat down with a hot cup of Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek Me and find Me when you search for me with your whole heart.

The day after Christmas. There are leftovers to eat. Presents will probably be put away today. Some will go shopping today to find bargains that are marked down as stores get ready for spring. Some people might even take down their Christmas trees.

I often thought about the years after Christmas day for the boy Jesus. Not much is written in the Bible about him growing up, except for when He was teaching in the temple around the age of 12. God the Father was not recorded as saying anything at all until Jesus was baptized 30 years later.

That time period where God was quiet had to be terrible. I am afraid that the day after Christmas has many people self inducing a quiet period without God every year or at least until Easter and then allowing the silence to last again until Christmas. 

Christmas signals the birth of Christ and people seek a spiritual flavor for Christmas. They might even attend church for one of the two times per year that they go. This year due to covid the temptation to not go to church due to safety concerns was a new excuse, But as usual many will lose the Christmas hype and go into hibernation and avoid anything to do with God, church, and spiritual growth. It happens the same way at Easter. 

My goal today is for those who will turn to back to a life without God with self induced quiet and for those on the fence and could go either way. Why can't every day be like Christmas? Why can't we devote time daily to seek God in all that we do and make it a lifestyle? A change that allows God into our hearts so that we want more of Him, is needed. I can't imagine not hearing from Him for 30 years or for thirty days. If you ask me what is wrong with the world, well it is the fact that we bring Jesus out for a day and then we put Him away with the presents and decorations until Easter.

Friends don't allow Heaven to go silent until you schedule a coming out party for God. He is there now and is waiting on you every day.


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