Sunday, December 27, 2020

When The New Wears Off 12/27/2020

 Good Morning,

The day began a little while ago with our two Springer Spaniels announcing their need to go outside and their desire to eat. I chose to brew a a pot of Door County Vanilla Cappuccino Coffee for my morning kick start. I have something on my mind to share this fine morning. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1There is a time  and season for every purpose under heaven.

When I was a young boy Christmas would come and go and I was blessed to receive presents well thought out and were usually things that I hoped for. I would disappear with my new toy and it would consume my time endlessly for a month or so. But eventually I would return to my faithful Sears and Roebuck BB gun the rest of the year as well as my football, basketball and some baseball equipment.  Even my new transistor radio I was given and listened to WOKY radio all night lost it's attraction soon. The new always seemed to wear off.

The one constant that was at every Christmas or big celebration was family. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins joined our family every year until one by one they were all gone Some passed away and moved away. This year as covid seclusion was in order, I missed seeing those that are left. Rene and I did our best to celebrate Christmas, but it just wasn't the same without seeing those that still make up this small family now. 

I thought about some of my childhood presents and including my BB gun, they are all gone now. The BB gun didn't work anymore. But if I still had all of the gifts given to me over the years I would gladly trade them all in for one more family get together. I would trade a night filled with music from a transistor radio and return to the room where my relatives were gathered and sit there and just listen to their voices. I would trade my beloved BB gun for just one more gathering. 

So, maybe you received some new golf clubs this year and will start to golf soon. I have a set in the garage that haven't been out in a few years. The new wore off and what I wouldn't give to take my fishing poles and join my dad on a lake one more time for some bass fishing. 

My point is this. Many new items are nice and no one begrudges us from having a good time. But make sure to make wise time with the old standard before the clock tolls again and the family dynamics change. I found that reliving just a few memories as I was writing this today, made a lot of the things I own seem of less worth.  I wasted a lot of time in the basement with a chemistry set and a microscope. What I miss is having my sister sit still while I extracted a little hair from her head to see what hair looked like under the microscope. I wish I could reach over right now and take a couple, just to have her smack me one.

So today when you have the chance, spend more time with family and cherish the blessing. The new never wears off.


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