Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Why Return To Vomit? 12/30/2020

 Good Morning,

It looks like we finally received enough snow to call it a storm. It looks so quiet and serene after a snow storm that you don't want to disturb it. But sooner or later someone makes the first prints in the snow. For us it was our two furry dogs who were enjoying some snow and running around. My cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee sure tastes good on this snow day.

1 Peter 1:14-16 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written. Be holy because I am holy.

I can't speak for everyone but as for me my desire to keep bad things I have done, in the past and leave them there is a good idea. What I thought was fun, funny or enticing in the past seems sickening to me now. It is best to leave them in the past and not even think about them just in case a memory would tempt me to sin. Dredging up memories of past folly and stupidity often makes us want to try them one more time. Sometimes this temptation actually brings us to the point of participating in what actually would make us want to vomit now. We like dogs, return to our vomit out of temptation and weakness. Many times I drove drunk and somehow made it home without crashing or getting arrested. Why would I want to do that again? Those were not the good old days. 

We need to take caution when reliving the old days in our minds. In order to do that we might need to take drastic action. Like leaving your job if your weakness was lust at work. We might need to have someone take us to work and bring us home if the temptation is too much to keep us from not drinking our way home. We might need to drop our circle of friends where the disgusting ideas of ours are acceptable. If you really want to conquer a bad habit and sin in your life, how far will you go to avoid it? Some glasses should remain empty.

Food for thought!
