Friday, December 11, 2020

The Thief At The Door 12/11/2020

 Good Morning,

The weather forecast is showing some snow in our immediate future. The amount of snow expected to drop on us varies due to some pressure system. So we really have no idea what to expect. But I for one would like to see some snow. So today I cast my vote for a fluffy Christmas in this part of the world by drinking a large cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee.

Matthew 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. 

Our daughter resides in Florida and due to the covid travel restrictions in 2020 we have canceled a trip twice to visit her. We had planned on being there for her birthday next week. Now since we decided to heed the warnings and not risk going we decided that a gift of Wisconsin specialties would be a great way to say we love you and here is something for you from home. I will give the shop a plug today. We enjoy their products. Neuskes Smoked meats . Wittenberg Wisconsin

The shop  specializes in smoked meats. We ordered a box with ham, bacon and sausages to be shipped to Florida. They have a proven process that guarantees the meat stays cold and delivered on time. We had to ruin the surprise and let our daughter know when and what was going to arrive. The goods were delivered to her door and before they could be taken in, someone came and stole the birthday gift. I mentioned yesterday that something happened to family members and this was one of the instances. I spent the whole day torn between attitudes going through my mind. Part of me wanted to send another box marked perishable but filled with dog poop to get revenge on the porch thief. The other side of me was hoping that it was someone in real need of food and now they would be fed.  I was experiencing a war within myself.

I spoke with our daughter last night and though disappointed she had already moved to "maybe someone really needed some food." Friends, I don't condone stealing or looting but I also feel there is a time when we need to help. I prefer to donate food to hunger shelters and distribute it to the needy. Maybe this package we sent was sold for money. We will never know.  So instead of dwelling upon a lost ham, I will spend some time praying for the person who took it. God knows if they are hungry enough to steal or fighting an addiction and needed money. I will pray for this person to meet someone today that will point them in the right direction to God. Just maybe, just maybe this will be a turning point in their life.

Merry Christmas,


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