Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veterans Day Blessings. 11/11/2020


Good Morning,

The sun came up this day shining brightly. I surveyed our property for storm damage from last night's severe storm. There were some large branches ripped from a tree in the backyard. That tree will need to come down yet this year. So I came inside and poured myself a large cup of Door County Vanilla Creme Brulee Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Romans 13:7 Pay all which is owed to them: taxes to who taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, and honor to whom honor is owed.

Today in the United States and a few other countries we remember our veterans who served our country and for those serving now. I am grateful for each and every one of them. They deserve our gratitude and respect for their service to our nation. 

My dad was a veteran who was proud of his service and before he passed away could be seen on Veteran's Day speaking in the public school of his town telling the kids in the assembly about this day, what it meant, and why we celebrate. He mixed in a war story or two with his speech. 

This day is an important day, but shouldn't every day be Veterans Day? We should take every opportunity to express our pride and gratitude for those who serve and are serving. I thank them as I see them. My favorite way to do this is to purchase Girl Scout cookies from a young lady and then ask her to give them to a veteran. It is an act of kindness and a civic lesson all in one.

So today if you are able. Thank a veteran or two. They will accept it, but usually they smile and say thank you very humbly. 

God bless,


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