Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Learning To Be Content 11/18/2020

 Good Morning,

I hope this day finds you in good health and spirit. I started this day with a hot cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee and prayer. 

One thing that I believe men struggle with more than women do is contentment. Ladies correct me if you disagree. But I truly believe that men are more willing to seek the next thing that is better in life. For instance I used to hunt ducks from a canoe but was always looking forward having a small skiff with a small motor. Then I needed a bass boat and a larger duck boat. I got rid of the small skiff and then later picked up another one. 

Really how many decoys are truly needed? And what was adequate before wasn't a year later and now there are too many and no one uses the motorized ones, but hang on to it just in case. Does a new shotgun actually make you a better shooter? This is just one hobby reporting. Just think what it would be like if I added golf, cars or home sizes to my point for today. Oh no I could add tools to this! 

In this time of grief and strife I have actually honed my contentment levels a little. I reached the bottom of the freezer before I purchased meat and ate what was there instead of running out to purchase more. I needed to be content with what was in the house. Our trips have been curtailed and we really don't go anywhere. I rediscovered the fire pit and the fireplace. 

If you find yourself whining about the restrictions and inconveniences that go with it, go back to 1942 when the world was at war and there were curfews, food, tires, gasoline, fuel oil, wood, coal, fabric,  and other items were rationed. They even rationed coffee. ( Heaven forbid!)  Homes were minus a person or two due to war service. Mothers learned how to rivet ships and all service people really wanted was to go home. Home would make them content and happy. 

The Bible gives us some Scripture on contentment to ponder. 

Philippians 4:12-13 I know what it is to be in need and i know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to being content in every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in want or in plenty. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said. "I will never leave you nor forsake you.

1 Timothy 6:6-7  But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world and we can take nothing out of it.

So look around you and count your blessings. There will always be someone with more. Someone will have something you desire and covet. But contentment with gratitude is godly behavior. There is great peace and rest in contentment.

Have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. If you have Jesus Christ as your Savior, you have it all, what else could you want?
