Friday, November 6, 2020

Blessed Are The Peacemakers 11/6/2020

 Good Morning,

I am watching the sun come up from the window in our den. It is beautiful to see. My Door County Irish Creme Coffee has to wait for a couple of hours. I need to have some lab work done for my annual physical and it requires fasting. So with the coffee on hold for awhile it is time to write.

The world is still fighting a life and death battle with Covid 19. Every day more people are coming down with this dreaded epidemic. In the United States we have been polarized with no real solutions in sight at least for months. That dangling carrot of a vaccine just does not seem to be happening. It is out there but with no solid timeline. 

There are two beliefs fighting one another. Wear a mask. Don't wear a mask. Socially distance. Or not to socially distance. Herd immunity or more restrictions. Then there are those looking at every new rule and figuring a way around it, just to accommodate their own comfort.

Cooperation is not happening with people believing their rights are being infringed upon. 

Friends it is very confusing and I won't even try and attempt to say what I believe is on God's mind. I do believe He is watching us and our reaction to this plague. 

I think the first step is to unite in this battle against this dang sickness and seek a solution. Here is why I am saying this. We would all like to feel blessed. God clearly states that we have a way to be blessed. And maybe if the world would reach across it's pride and offer to work together we just might find a way to curb this pandemic.

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.

I am not trying to mix politics into my daily spiritual blog. Just stating the Word as it is written.

It's time to reach across lines, pray, and find a solution to this. It might just start with peace first.


1 comment:

  1. My prayer Marty is, that we ALL could see, that God is still on His throne, ànd He is still in control.
