Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Generosity Deserved? 11/3/2020

 Good Morning,

A hearty, hot and tasty cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee is waiting for me when I am done writing. So let's go!

I am preparing my sermons for our Saturday Night Church Services in November. Each week I am focusing on something to be thankful for. 

Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

There are times when I look at pictures of the feasts we have had in our dining room that I am truly in awe as to how much we have been blessed. There were also times in my life when things were very lean and bills were paid with the least amount needed and noodles were the meal. But I never starved. I also think of the times that I should have been physically hurt or hurt others and it didn't happen. I am blessed to have family and friends. I am blessed to have had great teachers and mentors. 

In each of these examples I did nothing to deserve the blessings and certainly could never pay back the blessings. If I received what I deserved I would be starving, crippled up and alone. But God's generosity is unfathomable and hard to explain, But I know this, I am grateful.

Being grateful to God in all things is a step towards wisdom.

Have a great day. 



  1. I am thankful as
    I think of a cold Dec. 6th, 14 years ago, when except for the grace of God my loving wife might this day be a widow.
