Thursday, November 12, 2020

Some People Just Have To Bark 11/12/2020

 Good Morning,

Thanks for waking up with me and reading today. I pray for you all. I am really enjoying my hot cup of Door County Vanilla Creme Coffee this morning. 

Psalm 141:3 Set a guard over my mouth O Lord. Keep watch over the door of my lips. 

Our youngest dog Leo is a little over a year old now and s still quite the puppy to say the least. He is a joy, a clown, a hard worker in the field, and part of the family. We have a pretty good morning routine going with the two dogs and we do it in the same order every day. I wake up to the alarm or the dogs wake me up and the day begins. I let them outside to do their "dog business". When they come inside they both sit by the cupboard and wait for their food. I fill the bowls and the happy crunching and munching begins. Once the dining is done Leo picks up his dish and returns it every time. The older dog has a stationary dish and it stays in place.

After I am dressed we head outside for about twenty minutes of training and running around. When we come inside and the dogs have caught their breath I dole out two vitamins each, one dog biscuit and when those are done I give them each one rawhide strip to chew on.

This is where it gets weird. They both take the rawhide and Gibbs the older dog goes under our bed and chews his. Leo takes his and runs anywhere with it in his mouth and barks 3 or 4 times. We thought he did this to let Gibbs know he had one and to stay away. But my wife tested that theory. While Gibbs and I were away for a week she would give Leo the rawhide and he would still bark as he ran off. His behavior had nothing to do with Gibbs and his territory.

I guess we will never know why he does this but here is my point for today. Some people just have to growl or "bark" at others or to themselves. They just have to be heard and let people know that they are around by being loud or a little threatening with their voices. 

Even  nice things in life causes them to react differently than others do. For some this behavior is a shield they put on and people just ignore the bark because no one ever is bitten. We find Leo's behavior funny and I have actually walked up to him and asked for the rawhide. He gives it to me with his tail wagging. He just has to announce what he has and where he is.

But with people it is different. Bark at the same person day after day and sooner or later they avoid you or just tune you out. People do not like being talked to with a gruff voice or just having to listen to gruff complaints all day.

So, friends, if you are one who barks to be heard, noticed, or just like to verbally complain in a gruff fashion, be prepared to be alone. You will seem un-aproachable and crabby even if you aren't. 

So if you find yourself having to talk to yourself too much check your verbal demeanor. Do you bark at people, things, or just plain old life? Listen to your words and consider a change before you have to pay people to attend your birthday party.

Food for thought,


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