Monday, November 9, 2020

Barbecue Sauce Justs Gets All Over 11/9/2020

 Good Morning,

The morning greeted me with a sprinkle of rain as I was outdoors watching our two dogs Gibbs and Leo run around this morning. I was glad that I had a hot cup of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee with me. It is not time to write.

Luke 11:28 But he said, Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and keep it. 

Last night my wife Rene and I split a rack of baby back ribs for dinner. We had a couple of side dishes to go with the meat. I marinated the ribs in Coke and slow cooked them a 225 degrees for three hours. Then at dinner time I slathered them with barbecue sauce and slapped them on the hot grill. In 15-20 minutes we had ourselves a barbecued delight. We have one sauce that we love to use. I have it pictured in the photo today. It has become the go to for barbecue.

Here's the thought of the day. No matter  how hard I tried to be polite, dignified, full of etiquette, and just plain careful there just didn't seem like we were going to have enough napkins. It seemed that the minute I touched my portion of ribs, whether it be with the fork or my hands that barbecue sauce could jump from the ribs to my shirt, to my side dishes, and the table. I didn't feel too bad about it, because I looked across the table and Rene had some sauce on her chin. We both laughed it off and she decided to just have at the ribs, clean up and then eat the side dishes. 

My point is this. That barbecue sauce was delicious and it just got all over everything. There was no stopping it. You just had to enjoy it and go with it.

Yesterday if you attended church in person or if you watched it via pod casts you heard a message from the preacher. Somewhere in that message from God's leader for you, there was something you needed to do. Maybe it was to trust more in God. Or maybe it was to give to a project, get involved, love your neighbor, feed the needy, pray more. straighten up, forgive.  I don't know what you heard but obviously you do. So why not treat it like barbecue sauce, get that message all over you and enjoy what God challenged you to do? 

I would never prepare a beautiful rack of ribs just to look at them. I wouldn't save them for a rainy day and forget that they were in the refrigerator deteriorating. Nope, fresh form the grill or the oven I am all over those delights. So why wait to get into the message you heard and put to practice or use the desired impact God wanted you to experience? Get going. If you didn't attend church this past weekend you missed out on a bounty intended for you. 

Just a thought to start a Monday. 



  1. Wonderful words!! My daddy always said that when we go out to eat, we should never order fried chicken or BBQ Ribs because you ate those with your fingers and that wasn't polite. He also knew that we'd have the sauce from those ribs all over us.
    Thanks for the idea of getting The Word all over us -- wonderful thought. Blessings
