Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Stronger Than Me Is We 1/17/2020

 Good Morning,

A beautiful sunrise started my day off and I actually thought it would be nice if the day could stall for an hour or two in sunrise mode. I filled a mug with Door County Caramel Apple Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Yesterday my wife and I experienced the delivery of the Christmas wreath we ordered from one of the kids in the neighborhood. It looked a lot better than I expected. It is actually a beauty. Next Friday iIwill be putting it out. With all the Covid stuff, deaths in the family, and the never ending election going on right now, and travel snuffed, I thought I would mention to my wife my idea to scale back on the Christmas decorations since no one but us will be able to enjoy them this year due to restrictions. Her reply was "NO. We need to carry on as best as we can and light up this place even if it is just the two of us." 

I am not used to her shooting down my ideas with a flaming arrow. So I gave it some more thought and concluded that we would decorate like we always do, because we should celebrate the birth of Jesus and the fact that we weathered through 2020 thus far together. Some people have lost their spouses and more family members than we have. Instead of whining I should be grateful that there are two of us to battle through to better days. 

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12   9Two are better than on, for they have a good return for their labor.  10. If either of them falls down one can help the other up. But pity one who falls and has no one to help them up. 11. Also if tow lie down together they will keep warm. How can one stay warm alone? 12. Though one may be overpowered  two can defend themselves, A cord of three strands is not easily broken.

My mind tends to forget the verses above and how blessed we are to be together and yet have our bond be stronger because of a home built by God at the center of us two. 

So today thank your spouse if you have one for making you a bond of two. Look around if you don't have a spouse and see the friend or friends God has provided for you. Together we are stronger than me, because we are we. Thank God for joining you in your life's walk  and walk on. Don't shut down. Celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving in a responsible way even if you are alone. Zoom in with someone, call someone do whatever it takes to to be a WE in the life of others. 

God bless,


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