Monday, November 23, 2020

Thankful For You 11/23/2020

 Good Morning,

The old mug was just filled with Door County Autumn Spice Coffee. It won't be long until I will be pouring some of their Christmas flavors into this mug. December is almost here.

Today as we approach Thanksgiving I want to stress the importance of being thankful for family and friends. It is a very sad thing to be without any family and not have any friends. I can't imagine that. I could see people running out of family, but not to have any friends is another story in itself . Some people just outlive their families and end up alone. 

I think we are charged with the task of having friends. Yes some might outlive their friends but shouldn't we always be making new friends along life's journey. Sure, some friends will be closer to us than others. Some come and some go, but we are always meeting people who God places on our path. I worry about those who cannot find friends and have become friendless.

God instructs us as to how we can obtain friends. 

Proverbs 18:24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly. But there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

To attract and keep friends we must be friendly. What is friendly? We should..........

1. Put others first.

2 Love our neighbors as ourselves.

3. Be there in times of trouble. 

4 . Be willing to share.

5. Be able to listen without judging.

6. Be humble and kind.

7. Be approachable 24/7 Contact them. Don't wait to be contacted. 

8. Be willing to laugh and cry with a friend.

9. Be supportive in a friend's endeavors.

10. Pray for your friends during good times and bad. 

11. Thank God daily for your friends.

Don't go through life losing or not having friends. Practice being friendly and see how your list grows or maintains itself. I will be talking more about family tomorrow.

God bless,


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