Sunday, November 29, 2020

Here's What I Want To Do. Please Bless It 11/29/2020

 Good Morning.

Great day to be alive and I sure would like to get back to the days where I can sit down and share a cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee with someone. I look forward to that day.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

I believe that society at times rewrites the Bible to fit it's needs or cuts out verses that really should be followed. It's a shame and I believe that church's can often times be the biggest offenders of this slice and dice to fit attitude. 

Very often we people come up with an idea to do something and to be honest most ideas are easy enough to gather support. Then we put it into action. Somewhere along the way we decide that we should now pray and ask God to bless something that He may or may not agree with. Instead of sharing our idea with God and asking Him to show us if this is the path, we launch into "I'll drive this bus myself with or without God's input." Many a failed enterprise would not have failed if it never began. 

We should always consult God before we hit the launch button. In today's society of supersized and super speeds we tend to launch and then ask everyone to pray about something that was never sanctioned by God in the first place. Instead of seeing a smooth decision or project start and finish we spend a lot of time swimming for the life boats and adjusting way too much later. 

So today before you build, hire, requisition, or tear down something, how about prayer and fasting before you decide to drive a bus never intended for the road?

The point of today is. God is still in charge. He speaks and still is capable of directing lives, businesses and churches. It is important we seek Him first and His righteousness.
