Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thankful For What I Don't Have 11/25/2020

 Good Morning,

This day needs to dry out a little. If the rain we received yesterday were snow, we would have a mountain of it. I just grabbed my mug filled with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Psalm 106:1 Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. 

As we travel down the road of things to be thankful for this week, I want to take a look at things I don't have and give thanks for them. I want to look at what God has spared us from.

I am sitting upright and will walk downstairs soon. I am grateful that I don't have a wheelchair. My kidneys worked fine this morning. I don't have kidney disease. We have had a lot of rain the last two days and I don't have buckets catching the rain from a leaky roof. I had a bowl of chicken stew last night. I don't have hunger. I dressed to go to work today I am grateful I didn't have to borrow some clothes. I am grateful for vehicles with heat. I didn't have to freeze in my car. I woke up and spoke to my wife this morning. I don't have loneliness. There are no empty booze bottles next to me. I am grateful that I didn't need to drink. 

I will play with our dogs tonight. I don't have to wonder what love feels like. I can see what I am writing. I don't have blindness. I can smell the coffee aroma in the house. I don't have covid and can smell things. 

There are a lot of things I don't have and should be grateful that I don't have them. I believe we can all make a list of the things we don't have and are happy to say we don't. Many years ago our aunt lost her son on this day. I can't imagine what she felt like. For the first time in my life death really hit home. I think it was just because he was a teen. I never had to experience that with my own child and I hope I never do. I am happy to say, that experience is one I hope to miss every day. I am grateful for that.

So today if you are feeling a little sorry for yourself count all the things that you don't have and feel blessed. 
