Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Your Heart Beats Best When It Beats For Others 7/24/2019

Good Morning,

Door County Bourbon Barrel Pound Cake Coffee just filled my mug and a prayer is on my lips this fine Wednesday morning.

Every day when I come home since 1987 I have been greeted by a furry ball of energy who is happy to just see me come through the door. We have been blessed to own three English Springer Spaniels during our marriage of 1000 years. Walter, Fritz and Gibbs have been the official door greeters over this time period.

Galatians 5:22 English Standard Version (ESV)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

What all three of them had in common was their ability to get excited by just having us come home. You could hear their tail beating on the door when it began wagging furiously. Once the door opened they would greet you with the "Happy Dance" whirling around in circles and wanting you to take them out to play. Their hearts were beating with joy, not because of anything they did. We were their joy and they weren't ashamed to show it.

Gibbs tends to greet Rene with a little more easy affection and he greets me in a more robust and playful way. Rene likes the way Gibbs is gentle with her and Gibbs knows that I like to rough house a little. Each of us is greeted in the way we like best.

I am sure many dog owners know just what I am talking about. I have always liked the phrase "A heart beats best when it beats for others". Dogs are a good example of that. They sleep on and off all day long until you come home from work. Then they spring into action just to welcome you.

I see lonely people who tend to be a little bit on the crabby side sometimes. Loneliness is hard to overcome. But I would suggest that it is not impossible to beat loneliness. When I am greeted by the whirling fur ball of joy, I stoop down and scratch some ears and rub a belly to let them know I feel the same way. I say some kind words and greet the greeter. Immediately the issues of work or other long days are gone for at least a little while. My heart is beating for others and it is beating best at that time.

When we let someone know that we are happy to see them and they in turn reciprocate we are experiencing a happy beating heart. So today, stop and think about how you greet others. Maybe your heart isn't beating for anyone. That's too bad. You are the one missing out on a Happy Dance. Remember "you reap what you sow". Happy out, receives happy in return.

God bless,


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