Sunday, July 28, 2019

Only In The Movies 7/28/2019

Good Morning,

This day finds me outside sitting on the patio to write . The morning is very quiet and the weather is most accommodating to being outside with a cup of Door County Birthday Cake Coffee and my lap top.

Rene and I do like watching a good movie together from time to time although our taste in entertainment flicks is usually hardly ever the same. But there are some movie productions that we both enjoy and it is nice to enjoy some popcorn and a soft drink together and escape from reality for a short time. But then the movie ends and reality is back. I always manage to find butter from the popcorn on my shirt and if the movie requires us to think, Rene will have a million questions to ask me and discuss for the next hour or so. The questions are usually about the time frame when I was absent from the movie. Absent you say? Well I hardly ever watch a movie without checking my eye lids for cracks somewhere about half way through. So I really don't get the full entertainment effect until I watch the movie for the second time and schedule my eye lid maintenance for a different time frame within the movie. This eye lid checking I speak of is a 15 minute nap. All that popcorn munching makes me tired.

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back tomorrow and I’ll give it to you"—when you already have it with you.
— Proverbs 3:27-28

Hollywood does a great job of transporting our minds to scenes that are totally impossible to be experience in real life, yet they seem so real while watching the cinema production. For instance many many moons ago when our daughter was very young I took her to see a movie about a boy and his experience with a lovable space alien named ET and a little boy. The movie was quite entertaining yet it was not real. But in the end the little space traveler went home, parting ways with his Earthly little buddy. I heard our daughter crying and she was so sad that ET went home to his outer space habitat that she cried all the way home. We eventually bought her a stuffed ET doll for Christmas, but as she told us. "This isn't the real ET". Try telling a four year old  that the movie wasn't real either.

My point is this. Every day people live the drama of life and it isn't a movie that one can nap through or turn off for another time. In real life people hurt physically and emotionally. Some go to bed hungry or afraid of the night or the next day. As I sit on the patio in a yard adorned with plants and from time to time a stray rabbit or bird there isn't anything but peace and quiet. But that's not reality for many people. I am sure that some of the circumstances in life for some people are like a horror movie that has no end in sight. Only in the movies does pain, suffering and space aliens of 90 minutes.

Friends try to be aware of the pain, sorrow and suffering going on in front of your own eyes and if you can make a difference in a good and positive way for someone, don't hesitate to do so. You might just be able to provide a happy ending to a bad day or situation for others. Heppy endings aren't just in the movies. Many happy endings in life ate yet to be written becuase thee hero hasn'r shown up yet. The hero might be you and you have a starring role in the life of others.

Think about it this way, you might have a supporting role in changing a life by just donating a box of macaroni and cheese to your local food pantry. A young mind with a full belly can study harder and attend school if they are fed. That same person might be the next scientist who may just discover a cure for the nasty deieases of the world.

Food for thought???


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