Monday, July 15, 2019

Hotter Than A Two Dollar Pistol 7/15/2019

Good Morning,

My day started earlier than normal so my Door County Brownie Batter Coffee is going to do double duty today. It will have to work hard and wake up this tired old body.

Matthew 5:37 New King James Version (NKJV)
37 But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.

Yesterday I happened to hear an old song performed by George Jones. The lyrics explain the dialogue between a young man who owned a fast Corvette with a very attractive woman in the front seat and an older man working in a gas station/ convenience store. The man said that he had one just like it and she was hotter than a two dollar pistol. The young man understood the older man to be complementing his car when in fact he was lusting after his date in the front seat.

Friends, even simple conversations can be misunderstood. Things can go really bad when we fail to effectively communicate. So before we jump to conclusions and respond or react we need to fully understand what was said as well as what was meant. People react too quickly when they think they understand what was said or meant. In many and instances a small misunderstood comment ruins a relationship. Two rules need to be followed.

1. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

2. Think before you speak.

3. When you speak and the response seems peculiar, back track and make sure you were fully

4. If you can, before a bad situation gets worse, back track and clear the air. Forgive if needed.
    Ask for forgiveness also, if needed.

Be careful out there, This world is full of words and many are misunderstood.


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