Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Last Waltz, The Last Word. 7/7/2019

Good Morning,

May your heart be light and full of peace today. May you have a breakfast for your sustenance and a cup of coffee as delicious as my mug of Door County Raspberry Almond one is.

My writing table has moved outside this morning. The weather is in contrast to the last few days and is very pleasant and it could be considered in my mind as perfect. It is a joy to be sitting outside with a cool breeze blowing as I write and enjoy my coffee. Our dog is running around playing a chase game with all the local birds. It it is quite comical to watch.

Proverbs 16:24 English Standard Version (ESV)
24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb,

    sweetness to the soul and health to the body

Yesterday my good friend and I made a trip 3 hours North of Milwaukee to attend the funeral of another friend's husband who was killed in a work accident. This is a young couple with three children who also are very young. It was a tragedy that made our friend a very young widow.

While driving to our destination my friend and I talked about just everything under the sun like two good old boys will do. We discussed our faith, some politics, some nonsense, and of course the event we were headed to. During our banter my buddy said "I wonder what their last words were to each other. ?" We knew that this young fella had passed away before his wife got to see him after the accident. So their last words to each other that morning or the night before were the last ones. We concluded that knowing her and him and their lifestyle the words were probably decent, loving and kind. It really isn't the point of my writing or my business to know what they said to each other. My effort today is to point out that when they left for work their intentions were to come home and continue life as usual. That did not happen. He never came home and will not be coming home.

Friends, words spew out of our mouths at a rate that we could not keep an accurate count of the things we say each day. I want to make the point that we should never take tonight or tomorrow for granted. Things can change in an instant and the unkind word we left a loved one with is what they have to remember for a long time. Or we have to remember for a long time. This pendulum swings in both directions. We can't take the words back. We can't add to them. We can't change the tone or the meaning. Our loved one might be gone, but we live with what we said or didn't say for the rest of our lives.

I have been told and tend to agree with the statement "The hardest person to forgive is yourself". So do yourself a favor and be kind today and every day. Use words to build up and affirm your love for one another. Never turn down the chance to dance with your loved one it could be the last waltz. Never make the mistake of saying an unkind word and letting it linger. Make it right as soon as possible. Practice speaking kind words. Think before you speak, and hold your tongue when angry. Your last words might last forever if the pendulum stops swinging.

There is someone out there who will or is ready to say something they will be sorry for later. Let's pass this one on and see if we can stop the hurt and pain today for someone before it happens.

God bless,
