Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Just Call Me 5/31/2017

Good Morning,

It's good to be home waking up in my own bed. There is no place like home. The java maker is brewing some Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee and the dog wants breakfast. Life is back to normal.

Jeremiah 33:3 Call out to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.

God desires forays to call out to Him, when we are hurting, angry, when making decisions, seeking directions, or how to minister. This is an open invitation that requires some action on our part.

1. First, we need to call out.
2. Secondly we need to listen after we call out.
3. Thirdly we need to follow through on what God told us to do. Or not do what He asked us not to do. We must be obedient to hIs answer.
4. Last but not least. We must be thankful for what God did for us.

All too often we skip the listening, because we did not like the answer. Or the answer did MIT come to us quick enough.

Are you in a mess? Do you need direction?  What has God told you to do? Don't call out unless you are ready to follow the answer.

God bless,


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