Monday, May 1, 2017

Special Needs, Special Prayers 5/1/2017

Good Morning,

Monday arrived, even after I asked it to hold off for a couple of days. So I went to the kitchen to retrieve my cup of Door County Swedish Lingonberry Tart Coffee and an orange. Now it's time to write.

I wrote most of this text last night and I must confess that I am no expert on the following subject. I am however a pretty good prayer warrior and I will stick to what I know. My goal is to create awareness of a forgotten group of lovely people who need prayer and at times, assistance.

Last Saturday I had the privilege of meeting with one of my childhood friends for breakfast. I have known this fellow longer than any of my friends. We met in second grade and probably saw each other daily until high school. Life took us in separate directions but we always managed to touch base a few times per year. Business and busyness impacted our ability to do more with each other.  

About twenty years ago my friend and his wife were blessed with the birth of a little girl. It wasn't too long after her birth that my friend called and told me that their child was disabled and it had an impact physically and mentally. The extent was not known at that time. These two people were challenged to the maximum. Their little girl needs a lot of care. My buddy stays at home and is the daytime caregiver. The challenges have grown with time. Special bowls are needed just for eating. Their young lady awakens several times a night, and bounces on the bed. She is such a cute young lady. I can't explain this all in text, but my friend showed me a video as to the extent of her disabilities. My heart was torn in two. Her smile lights up a room and soon after smiling her face changes and it seems as if she is no longer there.

I looked at my friend and I could tell that solid sleep escapes him. Both of them work day and night to provide for their daughter, financially, emotionally and physically.  He told me what keeps him awake at nigh besides the nightly needs of their little lady. "We are getting older now and it is a definite possibility that we will pass on before her." We did not have other children and our biggest worry is what happens to her when we are gone. Who will watch over her in this life? I never really thought that through, but this little soul will be hurting. Their biggest fear is leaving her. They are hoping to raise enough money to leave behind to keep her in a fine fashion of living. It seems that it is the best they can hope for. Obviously I am praying for a miracle for this little gal. But right now my friends need peace. They need rest. There are probably thousands out there in this same predicament. This is a group of heroes that will never receive a medal or a parade, nor would they want one. They are a group of hurting parents that no one knows of.  God knows who they are and as my friend said. "God sustains us daily. Without Him it would be impossible to go on."

Psalm 56:8New Living Translation (NLT)
You keep track of all my sorrows.
    You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
    You have recorded each one in your book.

What I am asking is this. Those of you reading this, please pass it on. Petition others to pray for all these parents and their labors of love. Pray for the disabled, ask how you can help. Maybe you can take in laundry, bake a cake, babysit, offer a shoulder to cry on. I am sure that all of you have better ideas than I do. Make this cause known in your inner circle. Ask God to show you how to help.

They cry bottles of tears and the Lord knows just how many. Maybe you can reduce those tears a little.

God bless,


1 comment:

  1. It is so important that we support parents and their disabled children. Just as parents of the mentally ill struggle in ways others can't know, as Christians we need to be there for them in every way that we can.
