Thursday, May 11, 2017

Cleaning The Truck 5/11/2017

Good Morning,

A little rain last night, fell and watered our new grass and I listened to it for about an hour while sitting in my garage reading my Bible. I think it would have been a good idea not to have fallen asleep in the chair though. I came inside later and was chilled to the bone. This cup of Door County Coconut Cupcakes Coffee is being used to thaw me out yet, 6 hours later.

Psalm 51:7New Living Translation (NLT)
Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean;
    wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

Earlier last night I was bent on cleaning out the inside of my truck. It was looking a little raspy lately. The last time it was cleaned was just before I went to North Dakota in late October for a duck hunting trip. As I was cleaning I started to go down memory lane. I found a couple of duck and goose feathers and recalled the day when I shot the pair. There were a couple pheasant feathers, an errant peanut or two and a couple of gum wrappers that missed the litter bag. I found a receipt I had been looking for. One of the back locks to Rene's earring almost ended up in the vacuum cleaner. I had a little mud in the mats from November and January, some dog hair on the seat and nickel on the floor.

When I was done the truck was clean and smelled better. The process of cleaning it up was a little work to say the least, but well worth it.

Our lives are like a hunting truck. We pick up things on our excursions that seem harmless but after awhile they begin to stink up our life. I think the smell in the truck was from mud and wet dog. But once I cleaned it up and put some air freshener in there it was as good as new. Little bad habits in our lives don't accomplish too much damage at first, but add one or two more bad habits and you have the beginning of a stink bomb in your life. Allow the bad habits or sin to multiply and the clean up process becomes more of a big chore.  If I had kept my truck clean, I would' not  have been cleaning for two hours. It's the same with life. If we hang on to bad habits and sin, it takes a longer and a bigger effort to get rid of them.

So, why not assess your life today and show yourself what needs to go? Time for a spring cleaning of the soul.

Just saying?


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