Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Why Not Jesus ? 5/11/16

Good Morning,

Waking up today for me was greeted with enthusiasm. I feel good and I went to bed last night knowing the Door County Chocolate Meltdown Coffee would be ready at 4:30AM.  Let's get this day going.

For the last few days I have been conducting a very unofficial poll. I have been watching the news, listening to conversations, and making notes on the content of the conversations and the news broadcasts.

I have heard about grandchildren, pets, automobiles, aches, pains, baseball scores, football drafts, politics, where to shop, where to boycott,  shootings, gun control, what bathrooms to use or not use. These were the most talked about subjects.

Not outside of church and our home did I hear anyone discuss Jesus Christ and their relationship with Him.

I heard someone talk on and on about their children but not about being saved by Grace through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

I think we Christians like to say "put Christ back into Christmas". I think we need to put Him back into every day!

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners,  Christ died for us.

Now that is worth talking about.

God bless,
