Saturday, May 21, 2016

Ducks, Hardware and Church 5/21/2016

Good Morning,

It's been sometime now since the lap top made it's way to the patio. The fancy table and chairs have not been put out for the summer yet. My cup of Door County Cherry Coffee, the dog and me are enjoying the morning from the 25 year old picnic table. The table was made by my friend John who has gone on to heaven. Like everything he built, he made them to last. Time at the patio with my robin chasing Springer Spaniel, sunshine and coffee. What a great day! Chores later!!!!

I was talking with a friend this week who is now pretty much confined to home. The things he did while younger are memories now. Age has taken it's toll and mobility is long gone. He now waits for visits from friends and does activities that do not require leaving the senior center.

Ecclesiastes 12New Century Version (NCV)

The Problems of Old Age

12 Remember your Creator
    while you are young,
before the days of trouble come
    and the years when you say,
    “I find no pleasure in them.”
When you get old,
    the light from the sun, moon, and stars will grow dark;
    the rain clouds will never seem to go away.
At that time your arms will shake
    and your legs will become weak.
Your teeth will fall out so you cannot chew,
    and your eyes will not see clearly.
Your ears will be deaf to the noise in the streets,
    and you will barely hear the millstone grinding grain.
You’ll wake up when a bird starts singing,
    but you will barely hear singing.
You will fear high places
    and will be afraid to go for a walk.
Your hair will become white like the flowers on an almond tree.
    You will limp along like a grasshopper when you walk.
    Your appetite will be gone.
Then you will go to your everlasting home,
    and people will go to your funeral.
Soon your life will snap like a silver chain
    or break like a golden bowl.
You will be like a broken pitcher at a spring,
    or a broken wheel at a well.
You will turn back into the dust of the earth again,
    but your spirit will return to God who gave it

I thought about getting older and I made a short list of the things that I hope age does not rob me of. I know there will be many changes in life, there always are. I will miss taking Rene on her quest for antiques with stops at the custard shops.  I dread the day when we can't have them anymore. I will miss my numerous wanderings in the hardware stores on Saturdays in search of this or that for my little projects. I will certainly miss the duck hunting with my dogs, my friends and my family. My nephew better have an ADA compliant boat by then. He will have a line of guys that he will need to take out at least once per year. I picture myself wrapped in a camo blanket, sleeping through the morning and peeing my Depends when they wake me up by shooting.  But I sure would want to be there.

What I will miss most is going to church and being able to minister with others and see weekly the miracles that go on in the lives of others. I look forward to seeing my church family every week and sometimes more than that. This last 18 months, one of our dearest friends has been unable to get to church because of health issues. She tries to get there but  her health does not permit it yet. It will return again soon! When she is there we see a big smile on her face. It's not because of the speaker, we all know I am a putz. If I had to make a living as a speaker I would starve to death. But the smile she displays is because she is in the house of the Lord to worship corporately with friends and family.

I drive an old buddy to church once a month. We take turns picking him up and it is a highlight for him. He wants to be in God's house with God's people. Let's all remember that and make room for the elderly in the car.  But be forewarned, don't be the one who sits in the nursing home wishing they had done more while they were younger. Don't miss church now, make the most of getting there and giving of yourself. Each day brings us closer to not being able to hop in the car and go.

Have a great day. Enjoy some time outside.

Love you!


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