Thursday, May 12, 2016

Not A Fan Of Jesus? 5/12/2016

Good Morning,

How can it be morning already? Where did the night go? I filled my cup with hope, and Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee. My day has begun a little earlier and will run into the evening. I should come home to new countertops for the kitchen. The lilacs are starting to bloom and the apple trees are adorned with blossoms. It sure looks nice.

Don't panic because of the title. I haven't gone to the dark side. Let me explain my statement. I don't want to be called a fan of Jesus Christ. To be a sports fan I have to sit in a seat and cheer on the team from the sidelines. As a fan, as many do, they show their displeasure with the team when they are not performing the play that we think is best. They show their displeasure by booing and yelling at the team or the coaches. As a fan I am not involved in the plays on the field. The coaches really do not want to let me play.

I prefer to be called a follower of Jesus. I follow the Leader. He let's me get involved in His work. He leads me in ways that are best. His team does not lose. I am important to Him and Jesus is the One who cheers me on to do my best. I am part of the greatest team ever assembled. His feats will never be broken or erased. Not a fan, but a follower, that's me.

Matthew 4:19New King James Version (NKJV)
19 Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

God Bless,


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