Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Midnight Sewer And Drain This Christmas 12/23/15

Good Morning,

The coffee pot is calling me to a big cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java and some toast. I won't be going to work today. Taking the day off to spend it with an old friend, some dogs and hopefully some pheasants.

A dear friend of mine is in town for the holidays and we will be headed out to chase birds with our dogs. My goal is to have a couple in the pot for some cream of pheasant soup with our Italian Beef on Christmas Eve. More importantly, is the opportunity to spend time with my buddy and experience some more of what we used to do regularly. I have him to thank for getting me started with duck hunting, or to blame him, depending on how you look at it. We are a lot older now and we don't see each other but once in awhile. We used to work together in the plumbing field and have a lot of funny memories there also. Our little company had the name of Midnight Sewer And Drain. We always said we were a "fly by night outfit." But we worked hard and played hard.

So what's the moral of this story.
Proverbs 27:9
Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.

Friends are a blessing, especially the ones that you can see who left a lasting mark on your life. Some people have many friends and others one or a few. But each one is a special experience sent from above. This Christmas, reopen your memories with friends and enjoy it as a gift.

God bless,
