Tuesday, March 11, 2014

World Missions 3/11/14

Good Morning,

Tuesday and I have decided that today's coffee is important. It is one of the Door county Coffee Company's Spring Flavors. I  for one have declared that it is time for spring to arrive. So today my cup is filled with Door County Orange Crème. Now remember I am a am a fan of the fall season and I do enjoy winter. But I want to be nice and say that for my friends who enjoy spring and summer, it is time for spring to arrive. We can't all be selfish and have everything our way. I have had a great fall and winter. So let my warm weather friends enjoy the heat. After all it's only 6 months until fall.

Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV)

19 Go therefore[a] and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.[

Our church as well as many Christian churches engage in world and local missions. This means that we send those called by God to foreign lands or local areas that need either labor help and the Gospel preached. God directs the activities. We as a church also support full time missionaries locally and abroad.

Funding is given to the missionaries through offerings within the church. This helps support their daily needs for food, shelter and clothing. Our short term missionaries raise funding through donations and fund raising activities. God has blessed us to be able to support several full time missionaries and their families. Our short term team is headed to Brazil this summer and they have been blessed with very fruitful fund raising events. They are still a little short on funding but I am convinced that God will not let them down.

One thing they all need is daily prayer. We need to remember them in our prayers. Our dollars, even a little bit accomplish major things. Our team has already raised enough to purchase the materials to build a small church which they will start to constructing in Brazil. But our prayers are just as important.

Please join me today and every day praying for a missionary that you know of. They left it all to serve God. It is the least we can do. Also consider increasing what you give to your church so that they can send more missionaries and help them out financially with a little more money.

If you have a missionary serving in your town or country, welcome them and show them love and hospitality. Remember God sent them to you and they miss their home. Make them feel at home with you. I have been on many mission fields and never once have I not felt at home. Many countries made me feel welcome, needed and loved. Please do the same for all my friends.

God bless,

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