Sunday, March 9, 2014

Beauty From Within 3/9/14

Good Morning,

It has been a quiet weekend and I hope it stays that way. I do however need to work so it's off I go with a cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee in hand.

The Mrs. also has to work today.  I was able to send her off with one of her favorite breakfasts. Pancakes, stuffed with cheese decorated her plate. I guess that is about as romantic as I get. Rene always tells me that I will never write for Hallmark Cards. It seems that whenever I want to compliment her it always comes out wrong. Fortunately we have been together long enough that she knows what I mean and her heart can interpret my lame attempts at compliments. She never takes them out of context or allows them to rub her the wrong way. Recently, we as a couple experienced some major set backs in life. As we were reeling from a barrage of life events I wanted to tell her how much she meant to me and that I was glad I had her for a wife and partner.

But this is what came out. "Babe, I am sure of one thing. When life sends us these loads of steaming poop for events, I sure wouldn't want to go through it with anyone but you." She smiled and laughed and said "If I pass on and you would begin to date, don't use this line unless your married." Then she replied "ditto".

1 Peter 3:3-4 (NKJV)

Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.

I tried to explain what I meant and Rene told me that she fully understood what I was trying to say. I again went to bed that night thinking and praying. I knew once again that I married up in life and was blessed among men. Not only did God bless me with a wife, but one that can understand me and put up with me. She never complains and asks for very little. Then it dawned on me, she loves God and He has taught her to be patient, kind and forgiving. She reads her Bible and puts it into practice.

God bless. Compliment your family members at all times. But don't ask me for ideas.


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