Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Buzzards Come Quickly 8/4/2024

 Good Morning,

The day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee. it is time to write. 

Matthew 24:28 NIV Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.

I chose a "rotten" subject to think on this morning. The pun was intended. We have a lot of deer in Wisconsin and we also have too many highways. It is inevitable that the deer will cross a highway and be hit by a car. There is damage to the car and the dead deer most often sits on the side of the road, being eaten by buzzards. A rotting deer carcass has a nasty odor to it and it is made worse by the buzzards who are dining on the remains. The site is made worse by the buzzards defense mechanism which is regurgitation. That stench lasts a long time.

Friends, there are times when we all go through something in life that is to say the least "messy". Others hear of the news and gather on our behalf to chat with their buzzard friends and then discuss our plight. They regurgitate the news of our situation and add the stink of more gossip to the situation. Gossip is a  verbal way of making things worse and I would place it in the category of "social terrorism". Many teens struggle to the point of suicide when they become the object of gossip in school. It is the same for adults and sadly to say younger children as well. A once beautiful deer becomes vulture fodder after making one huge mistake. In the same way, one mistake can ruin a life socially and the beauty of life is removed from the person by gossip. 

Churches are not exempt from these buzzard feedings either. Often a prayer request is spread in the name of "wanting to help" when that request was made confidentially. Once a buzzard gets the news of a carcass or severely wounded animal it attracts other vultures to the spot and the terrorism begins until there is nothing left but the stink. Gossip ruins many persons and they are left to rot from the inside after the attack of the social buzzards in the name of so called "kindness". 

In comparison we should mind our own business and when trusted with something personal we should add the sweet aroma of confidentiality to the wounds of the situation. God's holy righteousness should be applied to the situation like a balm to a burn. 

Food for thought today!!


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