Sunday, August 25, 2024

When Good Is Great 8/25/2024

 Good Morning,

I just sat down at my desk with a hot cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and it is time to write. That cup of coffee is setting me straight this morning.

1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

I recall a cup of coffee that was more than good, it was great. Many years ago while duck hunting on Lake Michigan the waves became quite contrary and the swells reached 4-5 feet. The lake changed from fairly calm to nasty. It was the day after Thanksgiving and the air temperature was 25 degrees Fahrenheit. The decision to pull off of the lake was made and no one challenged the decision. As we headed to shore the spray and waves broke against the boat and within minutes our clothing was ice laden. We were walking ice cubes. 

Once on shore we took a look at the boat and it was also coated and covered with ice. We were pretty cold and I for one headed right to my coffee bottle for a stiff cup of Door County Coffee. The hot coffee was good and it started the warming process immediately. Being safe on shore and warming up added to the coffee experience. The frigid weather made that coffee more valuable and I believe that was the best cup of coffee I ever experienced. Good became great !

My point for the day is this. I have had many, many cups of coffee and can't even recall what I drank yesterday. But I can recall that one day like it was this morning. 

I also have attended church since I was a child and can't recall any of those sermons or songs that were sung. But I do recall the day I went to a church as lost as lost could be. I don't recall that message or music at all. I recall one thing and one thing only. I remember a man named Bill and he gave the announcements to the congregation. During his dialogue he gave a sincere welcome to the folks attending, especially those visiting.  He said, "I am glad you all are here today. I want you to know that Jesus loves you." It seemed like he was looking right at me. After the service ended the same man sought me out and introduced himself to me. He shook my hand and and welcomed me personally. He gave me his phone number so I could  call him if I had any questions regarding the church. He also prayed for me right then and there. 

That day was probably like any other Sunday to the rest of the congregation. It was good, but having one man show to me that he truly cared made that church service Great!

I believe the members were used to a good service and they were blessed to have one every Sunday. Little did Bill realize that when he made up his notes for the service, they would impact me in a way that would bring this lost soul back the next Sunday. Better yet, Bill lived his statements. He made good, great that day.

How about you? Are you just thinking about how the message at church was just so so and it didn't apply to you? Maybe and just maybe the message was not for you and it was only for one person on Sunday. Can you be content to pray for someone who just needed to hear it or the announcements. 

When you take a good day and make it all about others, you help to make the day a great day. You may never know who needed to hear that message, or just feel welcomed.

A day can become great when it isn't always just about you.

Food for thought. 


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