Friday, August 2, 2024

Time To Gather At The Grill 8/2/2024

 Good Morning, 

I am up and at it early once more. I decided to battle the day with a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee for the kick off.

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, so as one man sharpens another. 

Tonight we will be hosting the Men's Annual Steak Feed at our church. 160 guys will gather together to enjoy a large beef steak, beans, corn, baked potatoes, and garlic bread. This tradition started 24 years ago. The first time around we had 27 guys and I did not think we would plan another one. In it's peak days we saw an average of 240-300 men. Price increases and covid did not do anything to help attendance. But I am happy to say that we have already started plans for next year. God willing. 

The guys grill their own steak to satisfy their desires and if by chance you are unable to grill your own, a buddy will do it for you. We have never been rained out, although it came close a couple of times. This is a time to share a meal and in some instances get reacquainted with guys you haven't seen in awhile.

You are provided everything you need including a steak knife. But you have the option to bring your own knife and be as macho as you would like to be. A sharp knife is a direct expression of a man. I have witnessed everything from a pocket knife to what I would call a small machete brought to the dinner to carve up a steak.

My point for the day is this. It is good for men to gather and be there and meet new guys and rehash the world with old friends. As a man keeps his knife sharp it is good to stay sharp socially and personally. I believe in accountability and it is one way to stay sharp and headed in the right direction. 

A good man accepts and desires accountability in his life. A good accountability partner tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. My prayer for tonight is that each man there will be fed physically and enjoy being there. Of course we have a motivational speaker who will share a couple of minutes with us. I also pray that guys will accept whatever challenge he brings to us, to keep us sharp with our families, work, churches and God 

Have a great steak day!


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