Monday, August 12, 2024

Arrogance Is Not A Quality 8/12/2024

 Good Morning,

The morning is showing itself and it is looking good to me. I just poured myself a hot cup Of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and it is time to write.

There is a fella, who when I attend some social events and I see him coming toward me I try to go the other way before I am bombarded with how he is doing, why he is doing what he is doing in life as well as what I should be doing. He spends a lot of time inflating himself to others and downgrading his audience to the point that  you just want to find a rock to hide under. We all could use a dose of humility now and then and some folks should take a double dose.

Some people have the wrong view of humility. It is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking about yourself less.

We are not to cherish our inflated egos, and self worth, but we are to have a reasonable knowledge of our real capabilities. God can easily trim down our estimate of ourselves and will do so when we need a real lesson in humility.

Proverbs 16:19 Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil of the proud.

Proverbs 22:4 By humility and fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life.

Friends, you might need a dose of humility when your speech includes the word "I" in abundance too often. The next check for enlarged ego is to see how many times you proclaim to others " you should, or they should, or why don't they?" 

Those who think they have all the answers to your life have never walked a day in your shoes or the shoes of others. But they know just what you should do, purchase, or refrain from. I don't have a quick solution as to how to deal with folks like this. My advice is for us not to become like the person people hide from and avoid. 

Have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. There are times when the adviser needs to listen to his own advice.
