Friday, August 30, 2024

Unchanged And Steady 8/30/2024

 Good Morning,

A light rain is falling as I write this morning. The water was really needed and it sounds good inside the house. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and it is time to write. 

Our opinions change so often that we have a hard time remembering where we stand on many things. I have to include myself on this statement. I have a closet full of things that I thought would be enjoyed and that I possibly needed. And then, there they sit. 

For instance, I own a few guns. The last one I purchased, thinking that I needed something lighter has only been used once. I go back to my favorite old beater of a shot gun every time I hunt. 

I used to swear that I would never drink flavored coffee until I tried some and now I am a die hard coffee sissy. Most every day my coffee of choice is flavored. Our opinions, wants and needs change so often that a ledger should be kept of our declarations and ideas. 

One thing we can count on is that God's Word and He Himself never change. The truth is the truth . We may alter the Ten Commandments to fit our lusts or desires, but they are still as solid and unchanging as they ever were. 

God is like a road that is always clear to travel and there are no surprise construction detours. What you learned as a child about God still stands. He doesn't see a need to rebrand Himself. 

I am thankful that in this ever changing world, I still have one thing that will never change.

Psalm 119:89 KJV For ever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven.

Have a great day!


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