Saturday, August 3, 2024

A Big Thank You Is In Order 8/3/2024

 Good Morning,

sitting next to me is a hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee and it is tasting very good this morning.

Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unjust so as to as to overlook your work and the love you have shown for His name in serving the saints as you still do, in His name. 

This  morning I am feeling a little bit nostalgic. My coffee was poured into a cup that was given to me many years ago by a family near and dear to my heart. Last night this same family and a host full of others joined together to serve 160 men at our church for the Annual Men's Steak Feed . It was hard work for the group of dedicated servants of God.

One fella was there despite being in the middle a serious battle and he was doing everything he could to assist with the garlic toast. One other 79 year old man   "Mike" washed 180 potatoes so they could be baked. Now that doesn't sound like much, but Mike suffered a stroke a few years back and he struggles to walk and talk. Mike also has limited use of one arm. 

I could go on and on about the team that set up tables and chairs, washed the dishes, then washed the tables and helped to store them in their proper place. We have one man who shared in this beef dream 25 years ago who will need a couple of days to recover and put away all the thing he stores and hauls out year after year. He has yet to eat a steak on the night of the event. He will grill his steak later this week and hopefully dine on it with a smile on his face. 

I would like to thank the ladies who came and washed the dishes. My wife was one of those devoted women. She also has to withstand the two month long  "Steak Mania"  that seizes our home right from the ticket printing to washing the towels that were used. Last night Rene said to me. " I will wash the towels tomorrow and store them away for next year". I winked and she knew that if God is willing there will be a next year. 

The men and boys were fed physically and spiritually . One of our pastor's gave us all a great challenge and I am thankful every year for not having to speak to a group of men in a food coma.  

So there are a lot of thank yous needed for the men and women who worked so hard and for those who paid to bring friends, and family to share in this annual outing. 

Last but not least. Definitely not least. I thank God for giving me a vision of what we could do with a beef steak, some fire and a place to hold an event. I am thankful to Him for intervening in a life that was out of control many years ago and setting me on a different path. 

To all who worked the event, attended the event, and those who don't know it yet that I will be knocking on their door to work at the next one. 

THANK YOU. Well done my friends, well done!


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