Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Squeaky Door 8/29/2024

 Good Morning,

I have before me a feast of dried apples, cherries, strawberries. and mandarin oranges. They accompany my hot cup of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee. It is time to write. 

Sleep escaped me last night. My wife was in the same predicament and was busy looking for an ID card that will be needed today. I gave up an hour or two before her. Her travels of panic led her to go through a door in our home several times.  The door needs to have the hinges oiled. I found myself hating that door last night as it seemed to scream "oil me!!!".

It is amazing just how much a small thing like a squeaking door can irritate someone at 2:AM. I promised myself that the door will get lubricated later this morning. 

Jeremiah 29:12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. 

My point of all of this is to remind us to lubricate the rough spots of any day or night with prayer. Last night when Rene realized that she could not find that ID card, we should have prayed. I of all people should know better. I prayed for the missing card this morning and guess what? I found out where it was stored for "safe keeping." The idea of having these items stored in one lock box centrally located has resurrected itself again today. I can tell you for sure that this idea will be followed through and completed very soon. ( There will be plenty of spare keys) You know how those things seem to hide themselves and cause havoc?


1 comment:

  1. Why is it that we often don't pray til all else fails?
