Monday, August 19, 2024

The Hurt Has To Live Somewhere 8/19/2024

 Good Morning,

The house is filled with the aroma of a pot of Door County Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Coffee brewing. In a minute or two my mug will be filled with the morning nectar and I will be a happy camper. 

Galatians 6:2 NKLV Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 

If we spend enough time with our eyes truly open we will see the world outside of our own personal view of life. If you open your heart to the fact that others are a walking poster child for the hurts of this world, you will see the need to help. 

Now and then people with a boat load of hurt and anxiety, need just a little help through the hurt process. They need a break from the constant reminder of their loss, failure, grieving, and anger. They need to take their basket of pain, hurt and frustration and leave it somewhere even if it is for just a couple of hours. 

An invitation to do something to take the load away such as having them over to your home for coffee or a meal. Babysitting for a Mom who now has another child and her husband is not with her anymore. Some kids going through a divorce, might need a day of happiness away from the fact that they are now part of a fight for custody. How about a meal for a family on death watch at the hospice center? Hurt will always be present in this world and if your eyes are open to it, God will show you the hurt. You can invite someone else's hurt to live at your home or with you for a few hours or more. You can provide a different atmosphere for a few minutes , a day, or longer. You can laugh, cry or just sit and listen to the person who needs a break from the hurt life brings to the table. 

Hurt has to live somewhere. Can you open your heart to someone going through a rough battle with it?

You might just be the one who can make a difference and you just never know when you will be in the hurt arena yourself.

God bless,


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