Saturday, August 10, 2024

Give Me A Heart That Beats For Others Please 8/10/2024

 Good Morning,

My day began with prayer and a hot mug of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. It is time to write. 

Luke 6:45 ESV The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks. 

On Thursday evening My wife Rene and I were blessed to have a young man from our church join us for dinner. I am grooming this man to take my place in leading the Men's Bible Study and partner with me in the Ministry. It is a blessing to see him embrace the challenge and desire to learn and make changes when he sees an opportunity to improve the weekly study. 

During our planning session we of course needed our phones to log dates and events in, so the planning would not be forgotten. When I picked up my phone there was a text message from the wife of one of our men who attends our study and serves within the Men's ministry with our events. He has been in a battle with cancer and it has been a tough one. The text message informed me of a set back in the battle and that prayer was very important at this time. As I was reading the message my wife Rene could tell by the look on my face that the message was not a happy one. I told our dinner guest and Rene about the text message and that we needed to pray for our dear friend. 

Later after dinner was finished and the work was done, we just chatted about questions he had about my history and it was a good time of fellowship. After our guest went home, Rene had gone outside to water the plants and her gardens. I joined her outside. She stopped her chores for a moment and said that she enjoyed having company in our home. But then she remarked, saying this. "He will do well. I watched his face when you heard that our mutual friend had to once more fight off a cancer set back. He has a heart that beats for others. He sprung into action and sent out an email to the other members of your Men's Ministry in seconds."

My wife has a good eye for judging character and I value her observations. A man that has a heart that beats for others is a good man. 

God bless,


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