Saturday, August 17, 2024

You Are Important 8/17/2024

 Good Morning,

I will be on my way to do some dog training this morning. My Thermos is filled with Door County Sunrise Roast Coffee and it is time to write.

Colossians 1:3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you. 

This has been a busy week for me and I actually need a little time with some dogs and a shot gun. The week was productive and I burned the midnight oil a little bit too much.

I noticed that when I get busy like I was this last week I often blow by people and they might wonder if they are even noticed by me. I don't mean to be that way, but in obtaining the goals set forth by myself or others, I forget to say thank you to those who are in my life. At times they must feel like my whirlwind does not include them. Far be it. But in reality we must take time to let those who are closest to us know that they are important to us. Thank you and I appreciate you are simple phrases that have a lasting impact.  Praying for those who also pray for you is paramount in a relationship.

Show respect for those in your life, by acknowledging them. And If I haven't said it to you in a long time, you are important to me and you are loved.

God bless,


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