Tuesday, August 27, 2024

No Disney Until Later 8/27/2024

 Good Morning.

Today as I sit at the desk and look out of the den window my view is of some light fog and overcast skies. My mug is filled with Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee and I am content.

1 Timothy 6:6-8 But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food or clothing, we will be content with that.

One year when my sister and I would still be considered little kids, we were given a hard cover book from Disney Land as a Christmas present. It was well illustrated with photos of all the attractions and other kids and their families having a great time. We used to sit and point out the different things we would do if we ever had the chance to go there. Both of us knew that the chances of us going to Disney Land were slim and none. California was a long way from Wisconsin. And being from a family of modest means made that dream a longshot at best. 

I never did get to Disney Land, but later in life Disney opened an additional theme park in Florida. Disney World opened and by that time I was on my own and working with a good job. I was able to visit Florida and could afford to go to Disney World. As a grown man I didn't purchase a mouse hat with mouse ears. But I enjoyed every minute I was there and took in every attraction they had to offer. 

No it wasn't a trip to Disney Land and no I wasn't a little boy wanting to ride on Dumbo. I had to wait a long time before I ate a chocolate Mickey Mouse. But being at Disney World was a thrill at any age. 

But in return, I had neighborhood friends, school pals, and trips to the North Woods. I played pickup baseball and football games. I rode my bike down hills at break neck speed (almost a roller coaster). Many great times spent with family and friends. 

That book sat on the shelf for many years and no I wasn't reading it as a sophomore in high school. I was blessed with other things and learned to be content with what I had. 

My point for today is this.  Learning to be content and making the best of the moments given to us is very important. Somethings are worth waiting for and Disney was worth waiting for. But sitting here at my desk, I really don't want to return to a Disney Park now. But if I could go fishing with grandpa and my dad one more time I would be in a Happy Kingdom state of mind. To sit down to a plate filled with grandma's gnocchi and meatballs would beat out a dripping Mickey bar. 

Contentment makes everything better.


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