Friday, August 16, 2024

When The Clerk Makes A Difference Part Two 8/16/2024

 Good Morning, 

My cup was just filled with Door County Grasshopper Coffee ad it is time to write.

There is a touch of fog on the scene this morning and I am writing from my desk in our den. Usually the view is pretty clear but the fog is not letting in the usual morning scenery. The fog has silenced the birds as well.

Yesterday in part one I expounded on the service I received at a local store in their photo department. I described the service that one clerk provided and I promised a follow up to yesterday.

My faith in God has me labeled as a "Christian". I accept that title proudly. With that title, those who claim to be Christians are to be devoted to God and it should show in our actions. 

We are to love one another, husbands and wives. Teach our children to walk in their faith. We should be reading our Bibles, praying for ourselves and others, and attending, but also serving in our church. 

In addition, we are to love our neighbors, exhibit patience, feed those placed at our door who are hungry, practice kindness and represent God in all things that we do.

John 13:34-35  A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35.By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

As the clerk who represented her company, we should be living examples of Christianity. We should be slow to speak, quick to forgive and leave judgement to God.

Many times as I speak to our Saturday night congregation I have said. "I prefer that if you are sitting here and you have a grudge or are angry with someone you should walk out right now and attend to the matters of the heart. If you need to be forgiven by someone, get out of your comfortable seat and go to them and make amends." 

Do others see Jesus within us? I hope so. You are as good as you choose to be in your walk with God. Do you represent Him in a way that makes others say Good Job!


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