Sunday, March 17, 2024

Why Not Celebrate? 3/17/2024

 Good Morning,

I am at the desk fairly early today and I am ready to write. I have a hot cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee with me at my side and I feel blessed to be here. 

Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forever more. 

Today many people will celebrate St. Patricks' Day, a custom of Irish folks. I am not Irish but yet I tend to go along with greeting a day to celebrate, eat some corned beef and cabbage, with some small red potatoes. What is the harm in enjoying a day? There is so much going on in the world and in my own world that it is easy to get caught up and become depressed. As I review last week in my mind I find must  celebrate and I choose to do so, instead of looking at the strife and gloom. Take time to celebrate the little things.

1. I changed out our garbage disposal with only one trip to the hardware store!!!!!

2. The town dump was open and I made the trip there and emptied our garage of the collection of boxes that needed to be tossed away and recycled.

3. A friend received a job we were praying for.

4. Another friend had God place a call on his life and now will be leading a Bible study. 

5. My wife needed a minor surgical procedure and it went well so far. 

6. My relative received some good news about his battle with cancer.

My list could go on and on. Were there some things that made me cringe? Yes there were. The taxes are done and I did not like the results. I cannot watch television without seeing the political advertisements all full of lies. There are big and small irritations in my life, so I do need to celebrate all the victories and then the others don't seem so bad. 

So it is important to take all the victories, big or small and celebrate and thank God for them.

Food For Thought!


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