Thursday, March 21, 2024

Always Nice To Come Home 3/21/2024

 Good Morning,

I am looking forward to closing out this week on Friday. It has been a long week with a little more work than I am used to. I feel blessed to be able to look forward to a nice pay check. It is time to break out the Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee and head North.

Ephesians 1:16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.

Yesterday after a long day of work my wife Rene took one look at me and said "sit down, you look thirsty." I was thirsty and within a minute she had poured a large glass full of cold water and started to unpack my truck from the work supplies it was carrying. 

Rene isn't feeling up to par after a medical procedure she had done last Friday. Yet she jumped right in to aid me in resting for the night. It is always good to come home. 

I saw an unselfish act being done for me and I truly appreciate it. I thanked her and she laughed. "You would do it for me" was her reply,  But I still believe that a thank you was the proper thing to do. I want her to know I don't take kindness for granted.

What have you taken for granted lately and have forgotten to acknowledge with a thank you? 

Appreciation for kindness goes a long way!!!

God bless,
