Saturday, March 2, 2024

One Long Night. One Great Team 3/2/2024

 Good Morning,

The day is beginning with a hot cup of Door County Vanilla Cream Coffee and it needs to work overtime to wake this old man up. 

Luke 6:31 And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them. 

Last night we received a call from a dear friend of ours and just from the sound of her voice I could tell that she was in pain. This little gal lives alone and is in her late seventies. She went on to explain that she was in very bad pain and needed to get to a hospital. Our friend attends church with us and several of us watch out for her and help her when she needs it. My wife and I and one other friend came up with a plan and chose a hospital that would meet her needs and quickly. I took off in the car to pick her up and it seemed like we were traveling slowly although it really was a rapid transport.

Upon arrival to this small hospital we were greeted at the door with a wheel chair, a smile, concern and precise instructions as to what they were going to do and what I needed to do. Our plan had some hiccups since I wasn't a family member and our friends daughter lives six states away. But through it all that medical team moved quickly, explained everything plainly, and checked on her every 10 minutes or more. The time was running late and our friend had been taken for some x-ray and a cat scan. I was sitting in the room and one of the nurses came in and looked at me and said, "sir it is going to be a long night. Let me bring you some coffee or a bottle of water. Would you like cream and sugar? You might want some. Hospital coffee is not the greatest." I knew that fact from working in health care for 38 years. 

I was amazed at the fact that this busy nurse took time to care for my comfort. Of course several people from church were now praying for us and we knew it. I have witnessed good health care throughout the years, but I actually say we did not experience good health care. This team gave great care. The science part was right on, but the kindness and concern shown was a step above what I was expecting on a late Friday night.  

As I write, our friend is here at our home, and resting. But I will say this. I salute those caregivers and thank God they were there last night.


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