Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Overwhelmed? 3/12/2024

 Good Morning,

My day will begin with some Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and prayer. It is a good way to start the day. 

Back in 2019 when Covid hit the world like a ton of bricks and supplies were short, companies were closing, people were dying at alarming rates, churches closed, and much arguing as to what the treatment for Covid should be and how or not to vaccinate was the daily battle.   In my lifetime I had not witnessed such a mess. I didn't go through the Great Depression nor a world war. Yet in 2019 with so many unknowns it was easy to feel overwhelmed. 

John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Turn the page and look at today and we have a lot of similarities once more. RSV now is not only attacking children, the older folks are a target. Supplies are still short now and then, yet you need two jobs to pay for groceries. Beer at times is cheaper than a can of soda. Extra workers cannot be found and if you do obtain one or two they go on to the next company paying the high sign up bonus. Cars have so many computers on them now that it takes an IT expert to fix your truck. Every other day there is a recall on food. How does lead get into baby food?  Now the missiles of war are being launched every day and tempers and tensions are high. More possessed souls find their way to guns and then wreak havoc on innocent people almost every day somewhere in the world. 

Some might say "this is overwhelming again". I can stop buying soda and drink water until that comes back as poison. I can grow more vegetables until those get taxed. I can decide to get vaccinated or not. I can drive less and save the miles on my truck. I won't need to eat baby food and could make some for friends if needed.  Or I can rely on God to comfort me as He always does and trust that whatever is happening He allows it to happen. And it might be to teach us a lesson, correct the world or just to draw us closer to Him. Our duty is to just trust Him when times are good and when times are overwhelming. 

Jesus said it best. "I have overcome the world."

 God bless,



  1. Marty,
    This is one of the best messages you have ever brought to your blog.
    AMEN brother,
    God bless you

  2. Good morning brother! Amen! 😎🇺🇲
