Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Forgetting Is Easy And Difficult 3/19/2024

 Good Morning.

I am sipping on a very hot mug of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee. My thoughts are coming together so it is time to finish writing this morning. 

There are many things in a week that sometimes I just forget to do. We always place things in the hallway near the basement door. The first one of us that is going to the basement for something is supposed to take the item with him or her to the basement for storage. I can forget to do that and when I get downstairs I am reminded of what I forgot to do. I have reminder notes on the calendar for appointments and they are stored on the paper calendar and the electronic one on my phone. Little things seem easy to forget. It is annoying but really not too harmful. 

But then there are those memories and experiences that were not so good. Things that caused you harm, hurt and anguish. You lost sleep over them and they were caused by someone else. You have decided in your heart to forgive, but then something comes along and the past comes up as fresh as can be in your mind and your heart. You recall the experience and it hurts again once more and in some instances you lash out at the perpetrator of your pain. So have you really forgiven? Obviously you can't forget the instance or instances. So you carry a burden with you and it gets heavy. 

On the contrary God forgives us and buries our sins. He doesn't hammer us with the past. His mercy is just that. MERCY. We always desire mercy when we are in the wrong but reserve the right to dredge it up on others . We will always be miserable if we hold on to misery. 

Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful for they will be shall receive mercy.

Lighten the load of misery and memories you carry with you my friends. Treat those things like a trip to the basement or to the garage. Recall them no more. They are just harming you once again. 
